Thursday, October 11, 2012

I Love My Country, and I Fear For It.

In response to a series of comments made by my peers, high school students in Boone County, Indiana:
     Ms. Bray, I agree with you on the issue of Romney's disparagement of gay and lesbian Americans, but your view on our current President may be a bit skewed. President Obama has done more for this country than any President since the Reagan administration. Wait, Reagan? Wasn't he a republican? He sure was.
     There is tragedy afoot in this nation my friend. Why? Because we've become so caught up in fighting with and for the Republican or the Democrat that we've forgotten to adjust our eyes so that we might to see what truly matters, the American. I know its an unfamiliar notion, but we have to start focusing on the candidate that will do the most good for this nation's people. Republican or Democrat is a secondary issue. Now, Mr. Keller, I'm really not sure what is the best response to your disrespect towards our President, so I'll just proceed using the best logic I can. Our "S*** President," as you called him, is a great man that has done far more for you as an individual than Governor Romney ever could. Let's look at this hypothetically. Why don't we say that you're on a hunting trip the day after your private health insurance has expired? Now, late in the afternoon a beautiful 10-point buck walks through one of your shooting lanes. You take aim, pull the trigger, and the barrel splits, leaving you severely maimed. How will you pay for this? Your private insurance has just run out and your family’s money situation is a little rocky right now. Thanks to President Obama your are fully covered for the visit and all treatments that will follow. What do you think Governor Romney would say? I’m not much of a gambler, but if I were, I’d put my money on, “Get a job.”
      Ms. Bray, Mr. Keller, we are the youth, and therefore the future, of this nation. We must hold firm in the belief that knowledge is power and educate ourselves accordingly on matters like politics and other worldly affairs. In just a few years this place will be all ours. Don’t you think it might be smart to fight with each other, rather than against?

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Phenomenological Anomaly

   My name is Logan, and I am about to make you a promise. I don't make promises that I cannot keep. I promise you that throughout this post and all that follow, I will write only about things that are thoughtful, soulful, and significant. I consider myself to be, among other things, a writer. Now, I'm not one of the pompous idiots that sits in Starbucks for hours so that others can see me writing. I don't need the approval of others to feel accomplished, nor do I reject outside criticism.

     I am young, lively, and charismatic. On most days, I live my life as if it may one day cease to be. After all, death is an inevitability. Of all the scholars, philosophers, and folk musicians that have graced this Earth, not one has found a way to circumvent this fact. So, with the notion of certain death ambling about my mind, I will live my life, let others live theirs, and show only compassion, insight, logic, and love to those around me, as well as any readers that might give this blog a glance. I don't claim to have all the answers, nor do I expect anyone else to have them. But, I do believe that over time and with enough human outreach, I will one day come to a place in which the answers won't matter nearly as much as the questions that come before them. Until next time, adieu.